New officers of the Zonta Club of Fredericksburg officially began their terms on June 1 and were formally installed during a ceremony at the Golden Hub Senior Center on Wednesday, June 19. Deitrah Davis, District 10, Area 3 director, invited each officer and board member aboard the “USS Zonta Club
New officers of the Zonta Club of Fredericksburg officially began their terms on June 1 and were formally installed during a ceremony at the Golden Hub Senior Center on Wednesday, June 19.
Deitrah Davis, District 10, Area 3 director, invited each officer and board member aboard the “USS Zonta Club of Fredericksburg” as they were installed for the 2017-2018 calendar year. “Captain” Davis presented each officer and board member with the tools for smooth sailing throughout the coming year.
New officers who were installed included Frankie Hohenberger, president; Ginger Mitchell, vice president; Lisamarie Williams, recording secretary; Barbara MacManus, corresponding secretary; Bonnie Baseke, treasurer, and Jo Ann Krauskopf, past president.
Board members include Nancy Fitzpatrick, Debra Habecker, Tammy Jo Turner, Renee Pearson and Sharon Wahrmund.
After the ceremony, Hohenberger presented yellow roses to the newly installed officers.
The nominating committee members were Barbara Scherer, Barbara MacManus and Liz Wunderlich, who presented the slate of officers and board members to the club in March. The slate was elected during the April 17 meeting.
During the evening Davis inducted Ana Marie Jayo, one of the two newest members of the Zonta Club of Fredericksburg into the organization.
Zonta International is a global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.
For more information about the Zonta Club of Fredericksburg, contact Krauskopf at 830-997-4480.