A five-hour Continuing Education Unit (CEU) class for pesticide applicator license holders will be offered by Gillespie County AgriLife Extension on Thursday, Nov. 19, at the new Extension Building, located at 38 Business Court.
The program will begin with registration at 8 a.m. and end at 3 p.m.
This class is for Structural and Ag: Non-Commercial and Commercial Pesticide Applicator License holders who need five hours of CEUs each year to renew their license.
Individuals with a private pesticide applicator license can attend if needing CEU hours.
Speakers will cover control of stubborn weeds in lawns, laws and regulations, reducing pesticide drift, fly control, and common landscape plant diseases and treatment.
For agricultural applicators, two IPM, one laws and regulations, one drift minimization and one general CEU credit will be given.
For structural pesticide applicators, two general CEUs, one lawn and ornamental, one pest and one weed CEU credit will be given.
The cost for the class is $75, which includes lunch from Backwoods BBQ and morning refreshments.
Social distancing and face masks will be required.
Payment can be made ahead of time or at the door.
Checks should be made out to Gillespie ANR Committee.
To register, call or stop by the old Gillespie County Extension Office, located at 95 Frederick Road.
They can also be reached by calling 830-997-3452.