Fredericksburg Independent School District continues to offer free COVID-19 testing to employees who are symptomatic.
To get the nasal swab test, employees can call the Fredericksburg High School nurse’s office at 830-997-7551 to schedule an appointment.
At the time of the appointment, employees are asked to wait by the door nearest the principal’s parking area. A “COVID TESTING” sign has been posted.
Once in, employees should go into the first door to the right and take a seat.
The test will be administered and results will be read 15 minutes after the test.
Once the test result is recorded, employees are asked to exit immediately through the same doors and go directly to their cars.
If positive, the campus principal and the central office will be informed and further directions will be provided.
Masks should be worn at all times, and no food or drink should be consumed 30 minutes before the test.
A driver’s license is required for reporting results.
Personal Protective Equipment is required for test administrators.
With guidance, employees can swab themselves and hand the specimen back to the test administrator for processing.
FHS Nurse Kassidy Copell, FISD Athletic Trainer Natalie Handley and FISD Safety Director and Gillespie County High School Principal Dalen Kirchner are all certified to conduct testing and will be the primary test administrators. Also, Catherine Kuhlmann, Fredericksburg Fire EMS Infectious Disease Control officer, will be available to assist.