The 2023 Peach JAMboree Parade had plenty of family roots, including Nelda Vogel, center, holding a photo of her late husband, George, with daughters Carolyn Vogel, left, and Denise Goral. Vogel Orchard is a multi-generational peach growing operation in Stonewall. - Standard-Radio Post/Brent Burgess
Community, Gillespie Life, Second Front
Tommy English shows his granddaughter, Audrey Eng-lish, some of the sites just before the start of the pa-rade. – Standard-Radio Post/Brent Burgess

Elected officials and repre-sentatives of Gillespie Coun-ty attend the parade and wave to the crowd. Pictured are county commissioners Don Weinheimer and Charles Olfers in the front, and Lindsey Brown, county clerk, County Judge Daniel Jones and Keith Kramer, county commissioner who threw candy to the crowd. – Standard-Radio Post/Brent Burgess...