Pari-mutuel horse racing continued at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds on Saturday and Sunday, July 15-16. The horse racing was part of an afternoon of events that took place to celebrate Night in Old Fredericksburg at the fair grounds. — Standard-Radio Post/Lauren Shults
Community, Gillespie Life, News, Scene
July 19, 2023
Pari-mutuel horse racing continued at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds on Saturday and Sunday, July 15-16. The horse racing was part of an afternoon of events that took place to celebrate Night in Old Fredericksburg at the fair grounds. — Standard-Radio Post/Lauren Shults

A tournament of Goat Roping took place at Night in Old Fredericksburg Saturday, at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds. During the summertime festivities, Matt Fry competed in several rounds with the 10 others from across...