Fredericksburg Elementary School staff and students were joined by members of the FISD Education Foundation, FISD school board and Fredericksburg Morning Rotary Club to cut the ribbon on the new book vending machine in the FES library. Pictured on the left side of the machine, front row, from left, Rotarians Della Zey and Janie Bailey; Assistant Principal Karen Nevins, students Harrison Hagendorf, Aiden Garcia, Briggs Gonzales and Brooks Bonn; back row, Carrie Roemer (librarian), Ross Bigelow, Mark Cornett, Tanya Chambers, Marc Bennett, teacher Nathan Lorraine. Right side, from left, Hadley Feller, Harper Meyer, Tinley Jacoby, Eliana Albiter, Landon Brown, Eden Hensley; back row, Principal Scott Duncan, Kelly Ellebracht, Allison McDade, Keri Hensley, Brian Lehne, Jamie Duecker, Lori Maxcey and Supt. Joe Rodriguez. — Standard-Radio Post/Ken Esten Cooke
Community, Education, News, Scene
August 23, 2023
Book vending machine rewards readers
Fifth-grade teacher Nathan Lorraine addresses students and the crowd at the unveiling of Fredericksburg Elementary School’s new book vending machine. Lorraine applied for the grant to get the machine. Students can earn tokens for the machine through good behavior, improvement or reaching goals
A local elementary school teacher is sparking young readers’ imaginations with a book vending machine.
Nathan Lorraine teaches reading and language arts to fifth graders at Fredericksburg Elementary Scho...