Students from the Fredericksburg High School band made the UIL All Region Band on Saturday, Dec. 9 at FHS. Pictured, from left, are Jaxson Contreras, Eben Smith, Giovanni Hernandez, Jesus Garcia, Sebastian Renteria, Aedon Cantu, Bryan Falcon, Marianna Gamboa, Kaden Montgomery, Anthony Arias, Diego Martinez, Samuel Windham, Addison Hahn, Nolan Smith, Henry Anderegg, Atticus Whitaker (did not advance), Fernando Morales (did not advance), Osvaldo Ramirez, Alyssa Parker, Ross Carroll, Kevin Haug, Alexander Cianchetti and Ronan Elliott. – Submitted photo
A: Main, Education, News
December 13, 2023
FHS band students qualify for UIL Region Band
Students in the Fredericksburg High School Band competed at the 2023 UIL All Region Band competition on Saturday, Dec. 9 at Fredericksburg High School.
Band students auditioned to qualify for placement into either the Honor Band (Varsity) or the Symphonic Band (Non-varsity). 35 students made the All Region Band, two of which were Fredericksburg Middle School students who participated in the high school band. The following students qualified at the audition:
Flute – Alyssa Parker, Concert Band; A...