Fredericksburg Theater Company opened a three-week run of “How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” a Tony Award winning musical about a man who climbs the corporate ladder and faces workplace squabbles and finds love on his way to the top. PIctured, from left, are Ron Rickerhauser (Mr. Gatch), Holly Robinson (Hedy La Rue), Barry Sikes (Mr. Jenkins) and Braise Whitworth (Mr. Tackaberry). - Standard-Radio Post/Lauren Elizabeth Shults
Community, Gillespie Life, News, Scene
February 14, 2024
Opening night
FTC’s production about business blunders begins three-week run
Courtney Blake LeFan (Rosemary), at left, Catharine Peterson (Smitty) and Joshua Henderson (J. Pierrepont Finch) sing a number together about deciding where to go to dinner after the work day. – Standard-Radio Post/Lauren Elizabeth Shults

Ron Rickerhauser (Mr. Gatch), at left, and Joshua Henderson (J. Pierrepont Finch) sing “Groundhog” song from Old Ivy as they get to know each other one Saturday at the office. – Standard-Rad...