Welcome to 2025 and winter in the Hill Country.
This extremely cold dry air can create some dangers for our properties, pets and people.
Harper Volunteer Fire Department (HVFD) and Central Texas Electric Cooperative (CTEC) are posting updates on their Facebook pages with information to keep us safe and warm. Stay informed, as you know, Texas weather can change in a heartbeat.
Gillespie County is currently under a fire ban. You can find more information at https://www.gillespiecounty. org.
Harper students and staff returned to school this week. Watch for school zones and never pass a school bus when the “Stop” signs are out.
Many of our local organizations are gearing up for the new year. As you make your New Year’s resolutions and plan your 2025 goals, consider volunteering for one of the organizations in town.
Most of our organizations are volunteer-run and your ideas and energy will help to sustain these organizations. There are opportunities for every age and interest. Here are only a few that you may want to consider: • Harper Community Park Association;
• Harper Volunteer Fire Department and EMS;
• Harper Community Chamber of Commerce;
• Harper Library and Resale Shop;
• American Legion Post 650;
• Harper Agriculture and Livestock Organization (HALO);
• Harper Historical Society;
• Harper ISD.