The United States Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will survey cattle operations, as well as sheep and goat inventories, including wool and mohair production, through the month of January.
“This information helps producers make timely, informed business decisions and plan for herd expansion or reduction,” Wilbert Hundl Jr., director of the NASS Southern Plains Regional Field Office, said.
“It also helps packers and government leaders evaluate expected slaughter volume for future months and determine potential supplies for export, as well as aid in determining program and resource needs in times of emergencies.”
NASS will mail questionnaires to those selected for the survey in late December. Oklahoma and Texas producers will have the opportunity to report inventories, counts of calfs, lambs and kids, production and prices received and more.
To ensure all participants have an opportunity to respond, NASS interviewers will contact producers who do not respond by mail or online to conduct interviews.
Survey results will be published in the “Cattle” and “Sheep and Goats” reports to be released on Jan. 31, 2025.
These and all NASS reports are available online at publications.
For more information on NASS surveys and reports, visit nass.usda. gov or call the NASS Southern Plains Regional Field Office at 1-800626-3142.