The Veterans Council of Gillespie County, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7105 and Fredericksburg’s three Rotary Clubs are teaming up to host a four-day event to honor the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.
The anniversary events will run from Thursday through Sunday, May 1-4, and will include a traveling tribute Vietnam Wall, an open house at the Gillespie County Airport and a commemoration ceremony and reception.
The event is currently seeking donations; all amounts are welcome. Those wishing to donate $1,000 or more will earn sponsor status to be included in event communications. Donations of $5,000 or more will receive gold level, $3,000 will receive silver level and $1,000 will receive bronze level recognition.
Vietnam-era veterans who served between Nov. 1, 1955 and May 7, 1975, are welcome to participate in the events.
To be included in the slide show presentation, email a military uniform photo and a current photo to VFW Post 7105 senior vice commander Tami King at vietnam50fbgtx@
For more information about the event, contact King at 830-9925097 or at the email above.