The Veterans Council of Gillespie County, VFW Post 7105 and Fredericksburg’s three Rotary Clubs are coordinating a four-day event to honor the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War Era.
The Veterans Council of Gillespie County, VFW Post 7105 and Fredericksburg’s three Rotary Clubs are coordinating a four-day event to honor the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War Era.
All Vietnam Era veterans — service from Nov. 1, 1955-57 through May 1975 — and their families in the Hill Country are invited to participate and attend the events.
The 2025 events will be held: May 1-3 — American Traveling Vietnam Wall display at Pioneer Pavilion at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park; May 3 — Airport Open House; May 4 — Commemorative Ceremony and Reception.
Vietnam Era veterans are invited to participate in a slide show that will run at the Vietnam Wall display, the c e r e m o n y , and will run in the Frede ricksburg Standard-Radio Post. Organizers request two photos, a current photo and military uniform photo. Formal portraits are not required. When submitting photos, include the name of the veteran, branch of service and — for living veterans — city of residence.
Photos can be sent to Tami King, Senior Vice Commander, VFW Post 7105 at If unable to scan photos to send, contact the Gillespie County Veterans Service Office and to schedule a time to upload the photos. Call Steve McKee or Ryan White at 830-997-3758.
The event is seeking sponsors. Donations at the Sponsor Levels of Gold $5,000 or more; Silver $3,000 or more; Bronze $1,000 or more, will be included in all publicity and be listed on the official poster for the event.
Sponsors and donors, so far, include: Gold Level — Hangar Hotel Event Center; The Rotary Clubs of Fredericksburg; VFW Post 7105; Hondo’s on Main.
Silver Level — St. Barnabas Episcopal Church; Jack’s Chop House; City of Fredericksburg; Gillespie County Airport.
Bronze Level — Vietnam Veterans: Jim Bradford; Jerry Oliver; Jim Harris; American Legion Post 650-Harper; First United Bank; Chevrolet of Fredericksburg.
Supporters: Bethany Lutheran Foundation; In Memory of Kathy Eck; Security State Bank & Trust; John Stiles; Michael and Susan Mahoney; Richard and Mary Ann Carlson; Ronald Carroll; Rick Trzcinski; James Schultz; Arrowhead Bank; Nexstream.
For more information about the event, contact Tami King, Senior Vice Commander, VFW Post 7105 at 830-992-5097 or